General Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy

1. Scope of Application and Modification of Sales Conditions

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all orders placed on the website between a "Private" or "Professional" Client and the company Polyfab3D SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 10,000 euros, headquartered at 4 rue de la République, 69001 Lyon, France, registered with the Trade and Companies Register under number RCS LYON 898 931 811, SIRET 89893181100019, VAT number: FR87898931811 hereinafter referred to as "Polyfab3D".

Polyfab3D reserves the right to adapt or modify these general terms and conditions of sale at any time. In the event of a modification, the terms and conditions of sale in force on the day of the order will apply to each order.

2. Our Offer

All offers of products, services, and delivery terms, at prices indicated in Euros, are valid in mainland France subject to availability.

For orders from the European Union, the VAT rate applied is the same as that of France. You will simply have to pay the shipping costs calculated according to the destination country and the weight of the package, which will be indicated to you when choosing the delivery method.

For orders from abroad or overseas departments and territories (DOM-TOM), the products will be invoiced excluding taxes, and you will have to pay the shipping costs calculated according to the destination country and the weight of the package. Upon receipt of the package, you will have to pay customs duties and local VAT according to the destination country. The amount of shipping costs will be indicated to you when choosing the delivery method.

For any questions regarding shipping costs for orders outside the European Union, please contact our sales team directly by email.

A description with the essential characteristics of the product is present on each item we sell. However, some minor variations may occur, which is why it is recommended to contact our customer service in case of doubt.

Our teams make every effort to provide a faithful image of the products offered for sale through the images or photographs used for their presentation. However, variations may nevertheless appear, notably due to technical limitations, color rendering, or the customer's equipment (internet browser, screen used). Polyfab3D therefore recommends that the customer refer to the product description on the website to find out its essential characteristics.

Unless under warranty, any operation between Polyfab3D and its Client, not contested within 14 days following delivery, cannot give rise to a claim.

3. Order Validation and Electronic Signature

Checking the box for acknowledging and accepting the General Terms and Conditions of Sale as well as clicking the "ORDER" button validate the order.

These actions are equivalent to an "electronic signature" and a handwritten signature. They constitute an irrevocable and unconditional acceptance of the order as well as the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by the Client.

The data recorded by Polyfab3D constitutes proof of all transactions between Polyfab3D and its Clients.

4. Order

The order can only be recorded on if you have clearly identified yourself either by entering your username and password, which are strictly personal to you, or by creating an account on the website if you are not already registered.

Any order constitutes acceptance of the prices and description of the products available for sale. The contract is formed upon issuance of the confirmation of your order. Once your order is validated, it will be transmitted to our logistics department for processing.

Once your order is prepared by our logistics department, it will no longer be possible to cancel it. We remind you that validating an order implies the obligation to pay the indicated price. However, at any time, you can obtain information about your order by contacting us.

5. Prices

Prices are indicated in euros and include the current French VAT.

6. Payment and Security

Orders are payable in cash on the day of the order for payments via credit card (CB, Mastercard, VISA). The entry of banking information is done on a secure server to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the information provided during the banking transaction.

Payment by bank transfer is available and must be made within 5 days maximum after the validation of the order by the Client. In case of non-payment after this deadline, Polyfab3D reserves the right to cancel the order. The order will only be considered accepted and the shipment executed by Polyfab3D when the relevant bank payment centers have given their agreement and Polyfab3D has validated the order according to its risk acceptance criteria.

In order to limit fraud, Polyfab3D reserves the right to request the Client to provide proof of identity and domicile to accept the sale. In this case, the processing of the order will be carried out upon receipt of these documents.

Polyfab3D reserves the right to cancel the order in the absence of receipt of these justifications or receipt of justifications deemed non-compliant. In the context of financial leasing, the validation of the order is conditional upon the acceptance of the file by our financial partner and the payment of rents is made exclusively by SEPA direct debit according to the schedule provided by the financing organization.

6.1 Payment in Installments with Alma

Payment in installments/deferred payment is available via our partner Alma. Payment security is ensured by Alma and its providers. All payments are protected by 3D Secure.

Purchase Amount

  • P2X: Only purchases between €50 and €5,000 are eligible for payment with Alma.
  • P3X: Only purchases between €50 and €5,000 are eligible for payment with Alma.
  • P4X: Only purchases between €50 and €5,000 are eligible for payment with Alma.


By paying in installments with Alma, the Client does not pay any fees.

Except for the following cases:
P2X: 0.65% per transaction
P3X: 1.31% per transaction
P4X: 1.95% per transaction

Alma is a telepayment manager and issues an electronic certificate which will serve as proof of the amount and date of the transaction in accordance with the provisions of articles 1316 et seq. of the Civil Code.


Any termination of the GTC binding the Seller and the client results in the termination of the CGU between Alma and the client.

7. Client Accounts and Groups

At any time, Polyfab3D reserves the right to limit access to an account or to a group of promotions or price rules to a client. This without having to justify reasons to the Client.

The Client then immediately loses all the benefits they had with their account.

8. Terms and Delivery Times

Delivery is made by delivery to the address indicated on the order. In the case of the order being made available to the Client by our carriers, if the order is not claimed by the Client, it will be returned to Polyfab3D, with the return costs being borne by the customer.

This return cancels the contract and refunds the amounts paid by the Client minus the transport costs.

Polyfab3D disclaims all liability in the event of a delay in delivery in two main cases: the delay is due to force majeure (L114-1 Consumer Code; art 15 LCEN), the delay is attributable to the buyer (art 15 LCEN). Polyfab3D reserves the right to choose the carrier.

9. Right of Withdrawal

In accordance with articles L.221-18 and following of the Consumer Code, you have a period of 14 calendar days from the receipt of your items to exercise your right of withdrawal without having to provide reasons or incur any other costs. In the case of an order involving multiple items delivered separately, the deadline begins upon receipt of the last item.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must notify the company Polyfab3D SAS of your decision either through the withdrawal form, duly completed, presented below in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, or by any unambiguous correspondence expressing your intention to withdraw: Either at the following postal address: company 4 rue de la République, 69001 Lyon, France; Or by email by clicking on this link.

For any additional information on how to exercise your right of withdrawal, you have the option to contact us via the contact form available on this link or by calling us at +33 4 13 68 03 51.

In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, we will proceed with the reimbursement of the amounts paid. The cost of delivery will be borne by the customer and deducted from the total amount refunded in accordance with our Returns Policy. The reimbursement will be made within a period of 30 days.

10. Warranty

Upon encountering any issues with one or more products purchased on the website, the Client is required to directly contact Polyfab3D by phone at +33 4 13 68 03 51.

All products for sale on the website benefit from the legal warranty for hidden defects in the sold products and non-conformities of goods to the contract, as provided for in articles L.211-1 and following of the Consumer Code, and redhibitory defects as provided for in articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code. Products under warranty are indicated as such on the product sheet.

The shipping or travel costs incurred for a warranty return of products are borne by the customer. The return shipping costs of the product to the customer are borne by Polyfab3D or its suppliers when the product, in the event that the item has been returned in its original packaging (or in packaging allowing its reshipment).

Otherwise, the customer must retrieve the equipment in person. Unless otherwise specified on the order form, financial leasing does not entitle to any warranty on wear parts, which remain the responsibility of the customer.

At the end of the lease, the customer undertakes to return the equipment to Polyfab3D at their own expense in good working order. Otherwise, any refurbishment costs will remain the responsibility of the customer.

11. Technical Service

Polyfab3D can provide technical services (repair, replacement of parts) upon the customer's request and Polyfab3D's agreement. A quote will then be provided to the customer.

The quote will include the following elements:

  • Shipping and reshipping costs of the equipment
  • Cost of the parts to be replaced
  • Labor costs

12. Responsibility

The photographs featured on the product sheets are not contractual. The Client must verify the technical specifications of the products before placing an order.

Polyfab3D's liability cannot be invoked in the event of a manifest error between the product's characteristics, its illustration, and its sales conditions. The complete or partial inability to use products due to hardware incompatibility shall not entitle the customer to any compensation, reimbursement, or hold Polyfab3D liable.

Regarding professional purchases on the website, it is emphasized that Polyfab3D absolves itself of any responsibility for any damages that may occur as a result of purchasing products for professional use.

Polyfab3D cannot be held responsible for any loss of business suffered by a professional due to the use of the products or a delivery delay. Polyfab3D also disclaims any responsibility regarding the use or utilization that may be made of the products purchased on the website

Thus, Polyfab3D shall not be held responsible for any 3D prints whose use may be contrary to the law.

13. Parrainage

To be eligible to refer their acquaintances, the referrer or referee must have an account on the Polyfab3D website. Referees must not be subject to an ongoing referral request and must not have an account on

The referrer will receive a €10 voucher for a minimum purchase of €100 valid for 3 months, if the referee has made purchases totaling €100 or more, and once their order has been invoiced. Similarly, the referee will receive a €10 voucher, valid for 3 months from registration, for a minimum purchase of €100 during their registration.

The vouchers are personal, valid for 3 months from the email confirming the validation of the referral. The vouchers are not transferable or partially usable, and will not entitle to any monetary compensation, and do not exclude participation in order processing fees.

14. Completeness

In the event that any clause of this contract is deemed null and void due to a change in legislation, regulation, or by a court decision, this shall in no way affect the validity and compliance of these general terms and conditions of sale.

15. Dispute Resolution

These general terms and conditions of sale are subject to French law. Any claim related to the execution or interpretation of the contract must be submitted in writing to the customer service of Polyfab3D either by email by clicking on this link or via the contact form accessible on the website

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, Polyfab3D informs you that the European Commission has established a platform for collecting consumer complaints following an online purchase in order to subsequently transmit them to the relevant national mediators.

This platform is accessible at the following address: Failing that, any legal action will be brought before the competent courts, either the jurisdiction where the defendant resides or the place of effective delivery of the item(s).

16. Copyrights

According to the law of March 11, 1957, any reproduction, even partial, of the elements of the website requires prior written consent from Polyfab3D.

17. Intellectual Property

All content present or made available on the website, such as texts, photographs, trademarks, logos, illustrations, databases, are protected under intellectual property rights.

Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the website and its contents is strictly prohibited.

18. Withdrawal Form

We thank you for completing and returning this form in the event that you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal concerning an order placed on the website

  • Polyfab3D SAS Company
  • Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of €10,000
  • Registered with the Lyon Trade and Companies
  • Register under number 898931811
  • Address: 4 rue de la république, 69001 Lyon, France
    Phone: +33 4 13 68 03 51
  • Email:

I hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the item(s) detailed below:

  • Ordered on:
  • Received on:
  • Order number:
  • Customer name:
  • Customer address:
Done on:
Customer signature (only in case of notification of this form on paper)
Product added to wishlist