Secure payment

We offer secure payment methods to ensure your purchase goes smoothly. We only work with trusted partners.

Payment by credit card

The most widely used method of payment on the internet, we have chosen Paypal as our partner to ensure and guarantee transactions when purchasing your 3D equipment. Please note, however, that depending on the amount and your card, you will need to unlock your bank card for a certain period of time so that the order is not blocked. Several means of verification have been put in place to guarantee effective protection against abuse and bank fraud. At no time do we have access to your bank details, which are 100% encrypted. No information is stored by our systems.

We will never ask you for your credit card details other than when you pay online. Never give out your credit card details.

Payment in 4 instalments with Paypal

We offer you the possibility of paying in several instalments with our partner Paypal: in 4 instalments with your credit card, Visa or Mastercard. Payment in 4 instalments is available for all orders over €30 and up to €2000. To date, the Paypal solution is only available to customers with a bank card issued in France - both 'classic' consumer bank cards.

Payment by bank transfer

The amount of the invoice to be paid is transferred to our bank account after you have placed your order. Once the payment has arrived in our account, your order is prepared and dispatched.

If you are ordering from outside the European Union, you will have to pay any additional charges for international transfers.

Payment by postal order

Simply choose this method of payment when you place your order and then send us your order form by e-mail to This method of payment is only available to public authorities and institutions.

Paypal and Amazon Pay

Well-known to Internet users, these two payment methods are available to customers who wish to use Paypal or Amazon Pay out of habit or simply out of personal conviction.

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