
By visiting and using the website, you agree to the following legal notices.

These may be modified at any time by the publication manager of this site. The consumer has the option to save or edit these general conditions, with the understanding that both the saving and editing of this document are solely their responsibility. These general terms and conditions of sale may be subject to modifications.

Publisher of the site / Data controller

Polyfab3D SAS

4 rue de la République 69001 Lyon


VAT: FR87898931811

Commercial register: 798 031 605 00032

General Manager: Charly Le Roy

Company's purpose: Distance selling through specialized catalogs.


Phone: +33 4 13 68 03 51

Publication Manager

Directeur Managing Director: Charly Le Roy

Website host

OVH 2 rue Kellermann 59 100 Roubaix France

Intellectual Property

The entire content of the Polyfab3D website (illustrations, texts, labels, trademarks, images, videos) is the property of Polyfab3D SAS, its subcontractors, or partners.

Any partial or total reproduction of the content of the Polyfab3D website by any means and on any support is subject to prior and express authorization from Polyfab3D. All information, content, files, and software provided on the Polyfab3D website are protected by French and international laws concerning intellectual property and copyright.

Polyfab3D does not authorize the reproduction, representation, copying, display, or distribution of any content for which the user of the Polyfab3D website does not possess intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized use of this content, in violation of the rights held by Polyfab3D and/or third parties on it, may constitute the offense of counterfeiting, severely sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code.

In case of registration on the website, we may use the recorded data to communicate various information, especially commercial ones (newsletters, event information, etc.).

Data Protection Law

Please find the link to the Online Dispute Resolution Platform here: This platform has been established according to the EU regulations for online dispute resolution for consumers.

To exercise this right, send us an email by clicking on this link or by mail to 4 rue de la République 69001 Lyon.

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