Returning a product

Before returning any product, please contact customer service. They will discuss the return procedure with you.

Contact customer service

When and what can I return?

Returns are only eligible for products delivered to Metropolitan France.

You can return products to us when they are complete, unopened, in their original, undamaged packaging and in perfect condition for resale. We do not accept products that are used, damaged or whose original packaging has been damaged.

We recommend that you pack the goods well before sending them to us, so that they are not damaged in transit.

Return conditions

To return an ordered product, the request must be made within 14 days of ordering the product. Please contact customer service. They will discuss the return procedure with you.

Contact customer service

Receiving the product

Upon receipt of the product, we may take up to 5 days to check the condition of the returned product and confirm that it has been received and processed. At the end of this period, we will create a credit note or refund the amount you spent on the initial purchase of the product.

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